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Thursday, October 26, 2006

sky15 MTB test after migration

The term supersaturation refers to a solution that contains more of the dissolved material than could be dissolved by the solvent under normal circumstances. It can also refer to a vapor of a compound that has a higher (partial) pressure than the vapor pressure of that compound.

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seed crystal is a small piece of single crystal material from which a large crystal of, usually, the same material is to be grown. The large crystal can be grown by dipping the seed into a supersaturated solution, into molten material that is then cooled, or by growth on the seed face by passing vapour of the material to be grown over it.

Examples where the a seed crystal is used to grow large boules or ingots of a single crystal include the semiconductor industry where methods such as the Czochralski process or Bridgeman technique are employed.

sky15 blog2 this a aft migration post

seed crystal is a small piece of single crystal material from which a large crystal of, usually, the same material is to be grown. The large crystal can be grown by dipping the seed into a supersaturated solution, into molten material that is then cooled, or by growth on the seed face by passing vapour of the material to be grown over it.

Examples where the a seed crystal is used to grow large boules or ingots of a single crystal include the semiconductor industry where methods such as the Czochralski process or Bridgeman technique are employed.

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